
Education & Reference Materials

Featured Talks and Webinars

Sign up to receive slides and recordings of the following webinars:

Introduction to Celeris

Test preparation, waveforms produced by each cell type, and examples of disease models.

Protocol Creation

Software tools for protocol design and customization, as well as data exportation.

Genetics of Degeneration

Dr. Nusinowitz takes us through three research projects regarding genetics of degenerative disease.

Simultaneous ERG & VEP

Dr. Tonia Rex presents Glaucoma, Neurotrauma, and Oxidative Stress Research.

Multifocal ERG in Rats

Jim D. Akula, Ph.D. presents preliminary experiments testing various spatial resolutions of the multifocal ERG in a rat model.

Reference Materials

Celeris Hardware

Celeris Information

Find more about Products and Protocols through our website.

Biomarker Booklet

A visual guide to Biomarkers and Protocols, including test examples.